Книги по Откровению 17-го века

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Книги по Откровению 17-го века

Сообщение MVT777 » Пт мар 11, 2011 4:00 pm

Arthur Dent, (1607)
The ruin of Rome: or, An exposition upon the whole revelation: Wherein is plainly shewed and proved, that the popish religion, together with all the power and authority of Rome shall ebb and decay more throughout all the Churches of Europe, and come to an utter overthrow even in this life, before the end of the world. Written especially for the comfort of protestants, and the danting of papists, seminary priests, jesuits, and all that erroneous rabble. (London: Printed by W.I. for Simon Waterson and Richard Banckworth, 1607), 300.

Patrik Forbes, (1613)
An exquisite commentarie upon the Revelation of Saint Iohn: wherein, both the course of the whole booke, as also the more abstruse and hard places thereof not heretofore opened; are now at last most cleerely and evidently explained. (London : Printed by W. Hall, for Francis Burton ..., 1613), 265 [248+table].

Thomas Brightman, (1615).
Revelation of the Revelation, that is The Revelation of St. John opened clearely with a logicall resolution and exposition. Wherein the sense is cleared, out of the scripture, the event also of thinges foretold is discussed out of the church histories. (Imprinted at Amsterdam, 1615):
1615_Brightman_Revelation Antichrist (pages 622-770)

1615_Brightman_Revelation XIII Chapter (pages 427-479)

1615_Brightman_Revelation XVII Chapter (pages 566-621)

Richard Bernard, (1617)
A key of knowledge for the opening of the secret mysteries of St John mysticall Revelation. (London: Printer by Felix Kunaston, 1617), 351.

John Wilkinson, (1619)
An exposition of the 13 Chapter of Revelation of Iesus Christ. (Amsterdam: Imprinted in the year, 1619), 37.

Stephen Denison, (1621)
A Compendious Catechisme: Wherein are briefly expounded, the Apostles Creed, the ten Commandments and the Lords Prayer, together with other fundamental points of Christian Religion, very necessarie for children and servants to learne, before they go to the holy Communion. (London: Printed by Richard Field, 1621), 50.

William Cowper, (1623)
The Workes of Mr Willia[m] Cowper, late Bishop of Galloway: Now newly collected into one volume: whereunto is added a commentary on the Revelation never before published: also an alphabeticall table for the finding out the principall heads contained in every booke. (Imprint London: Imprinted for Robert Allott ..., 1623).
Part # 1: Revelation ch IV-VII (pages 817-915);

Part # 2: Revelation ch VIII-XI (pages 921-1011);

Part # 3: Revelation ch XII-XVI (pages 1015-1122 + tables).

T.L. (1623)
[by late Writer, Whose certain name is not known to the Publisher…] An exposition of the XI. XII and XIII chapters of the Revelation. (Printed by Edward Allde, An. Dom. 1623), 114.

Stephen Denison, (1627)
The White Wolfe, or, A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, feb. 11. being the last Sonday in Hillarie Tearme, Anno 1627. and printed somewhat more largely the time would permit at the present deliver… (At London, Printed by George Miller), 76.

John Mayer, (1631)
A Commentary upon the New Testament. (London: Printed by John Haviland, for John Grismond, 1631);
1631_Mayer_Revelation I-XII (pages 245-406)

1631_Mayer_Revelation XII-XXII (pages 384-542)
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Re: Книги по Откровению 17-го века

Сообщение MVT777 » Сб мар 12, 2011 4:09 pm

Продолжение коллекции книг 17-го века

Thomas Brightman, (1635)
A most comfortable exposition of the last and most difficult part of the prophecie of Daniel from the 26, verse of the 11 chap. to the end of the 12. chapter. (Ann 1635), 114.

Joseph Mede, (1643)
The Key of the Revelation, searched and demonstrated out of the naturall and proper charecters of the vision, with a comment thereupon, according to the rule of the same Key, published in Latin… , Translated into English by Richard More of Linley… (London: Printed by Richard Bishop for Phil. Stephens, 1643),

Part I: The Key of the Revelation: or the Synchronisme and order of the prophecies... (133+8)

Part 2: The interpretation of the little book: or of the order system of the visions of the Revelation according to the rule of the Apocaliptique Key. (135+compedium)

Hezekiah Holland, (1650)
An exposition or, a short, but full, plaine, and perfect epitome of the most choice commentaries upon the Revelation of Saint John. Especially of the most learned and judicious authors, as Bullinger of Helvetia, Francis Iunius, Thomas Brightman, Aug. Marlorate, Aug. De civitate Dei, but especially ... David Pareus. With severall remarkable notes, observations, and doctrines very profitable. As it was for the most part delivered by way of commentary in the Parish-Church of Sutton-Valence, Kanc.. (London: Printed by T.R. and E.M. for G. Calvert, 1650), 196.

John Cotton, (1655)
An exposition upon the thirteenth chapter of the Revelation. (London: Printed by M.S. for Livewel Chapman, 1655), 262+ tabl

Hicks, William (1659)
[Apokalypsis apokalypseōs]; or, The Revelation revealed, being a practical exposition on the Revelation of St. John. Whereunto is annexed a small essay, entituled Quinto-monarchiæ, cum quarto omoaoria, or, a friendly complyance between Christ's monarchy, and the magistrates.
[Hicks, William, (1621-1660)]. (London: Printed by F.Macock, for Daniel White, 1659), 315.

Drue Cressener, (1690)
A demonstration of the first principles of the Protestant applications of the Apocalypse: together with the consent of the ancients concerning the fourth beast in the 7th of Daniel, and the beast in the Revelations. (Imprint London: Printed for Thomas Cockerill ..., 1690), 307 + appendix [35].
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